maandag 17 januari 2011

Riots caused by Ralph Lauren

Ralph Lauren made a huge mistake by photoshopping a model’s as if they are skeletons. It even caused two riots.

Barely one week before Ralph Lauren published a second disaster, Fillipa Hamilton, a model of Ralph Lauren, got fires because ‘she gained to much weight’. There was a shocking picture of her published, where her head was stuck on an extremely thin model.

But the riots weren’t even passed or Ralph Lauren showed once again a picture of an extremely photoshopped model.
They published photo’s of the Russian model Valentine Zelyaeva on the website, which are obviously photo shopped. The same picture which is not photo shopped is also on the Internet.
If you put the two pictures next to each other, you can see how unrealistic thin they made the model her hips and waist. who published the picture and their comments at first, got indicted by the fashion brand, because they think publishing that picture is copyright violation.

The website responded by saying that publishing that picture is to show people that those pictures aren’t real and that it is licit journalism .
The website published comments like: "Why don’t they just show their pictures on skeletons, or are skeletons not thin enough?"

Ralph Lauren says that they are going to be more careful in the future. They didn’t say anything about using more healthy(-looking) models is a part of that plan.
I think it’s abnormal that they fake their model’s weight. It looks scary and I don’t believe anyone thinks that is attractive. When I see pictures like that, I don’t even look at the clothes anymore, but get distracted by how thin the models look on the pictures.

I don’t understand who their target group is, young girls? I don’t think young girls think that the models look good, but I think that they find them scary. Why does Ralph Lauren think that that people want to see this kind of excessive thin models?

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